 Far more personal than anything I've published before, this 50-page oldschool sketchbook is an exclusive peek at the bare bones of Stuff Sucks. Its pages was compiled under a photocopy machine from countless notebooks and napkins that have never been scanned in. 50 copies were made last week to be presented at the London expo, and few copies remain, so don't wait! Signed and numbered. Price: 15 + 2.95 shipping Click here to order online.Here is an example of a 2-page spread!
More fanart! This one is for Kitty-bot. It probably won't make a lot of sense if you haven't read the comic before! (If you have read it, it still won't make sense, but it won't make sense in a hilarious way.)
Hampton's gonna rap!
 I'm not crazy about this sketch but I'm postin' it anyway! This is the Archie Comics version of April O'Neil. A cute brunette with a katana. Instead of introducing lame lizard and turtle girls like the TV shows tried to do, this series had April herself acquire some ninja skills from Splinter. And they also introduced a fox girl. Also!
What do you think's in the burgers?
 My middle name is Barth! I posted this in a Nickelodeon flashback thread in GBS, but it seems nobody except me remembers him. I find that puzzling; he was basically the best character on this show. Labels: b/w, nickelodeon
I Built This Empire From Nothing!
It will make more sense in the morning.
This is typically what a Stuff Sucks page looks like before it gets inked.
Don't crap in my cappuccino and tell me it's nutmeg.
Run Sonic, Run!
This is a image that I entered into a Sonic the Hedgehog fanart contest. (I am a nerd.) I only had two hours to work on it, which in hindsight really wasn't enough time to complete anything that would ever stand a chance of winning. But at the time, I thought maybe I could make a simple and quick entry that was still reasonably competitive if I just made it really, really stylized. It didn't work. Oh well! Here it is anyway! :)
 A new guy, "Pop". Yes, that is a fork for a paw. What of it?  What Baby Dango has been up to. Labels: Patches "Baby Dango" Pop
 NOTE: We do not recommend attempting to draw the Josh Lesnick way. NOTE 2: I need to add a character in the space below Annet, to the right of Flonne, and above Mona. I'm thinking it should be some kind of "devil" girl to compliment Flonne, but I'm not sure who (NOT ETNA).
This is part 1 of some thing where I post different stages of an artwork of mine.